Editorial Process

  • New submission (For Authors).
  • Initial precheck by editor and assessment of suitability and quality of the submission. The editor has three options at this stage:
    • The editor can request additional changes to the submission and return the manuscript for refinement. This action may be repeated until the editor is satisfied with the edits and accepts or rejects the submission.
    • The editor may consider the submission as appropriate, which initiates the review process.
    • The editor may consider the submission as inappropriate. Manuscript is rejected.
  • In case of a positive assessment, the manuscript is subject to a review process with at least two reviewers (double-blind review) chosen by the editor. Reviewers' eligibility is assessed against conflict of interest and competence (PhD).
  • After receiving all reviews, the editor can take the following actions (based on reviews):
    • Accept the manuscript for publishing.
    • Send the manuscript back to the author for a minor revision. Once the revised version is accepted, the editor can accept, reject, or request another minor revision.
    • Send the manuscript back to the author for a major revision. Once the revised version is accepted, the editor can send the article back for review to reviewers (who have recommended major revisions), request a minor revision, or reject the manuscript.
    • Reject the manuscript.
  • In case of a positive review process, the author is asked to fill in the billing information in the system. The author has the option of payment by card or bank transfer. In this step, the authors can redeem the discount vouchers they have received in the past up to the amount of the entire APC.
  • If the manuscript is accepted, the author is notified of this fact. At this stage, the editor may ask for additional adjustments to the manuscript and authors are asked to prepare the manuscript according to the specified template..
  • The manuscript is published.