Article Processing charge (APC)

Articles in our journal are published under an open license. This enables the scientific community and the general public to gain unrestricted free access to scientific articles. To cover the costs associated with the editorial and publishing process, the authors pay an article processing charge (APC) before publication. Authors are asked to pay the APC only after the positive review process. The APC is non-refundable. At the current (since 1 September 2023), the APC is 400 EUR (9800 CZK).

Notice: Revision of Article Processing Charges (APC) Effective September 1, 2023

Starting from September 1, 2023, there will be a revision in our APC policy. The new APC rate for all submitted articles will be set at 400 EUR (9800 CZK). This adjustment has been made to ensure the sustainability and quality of our publication services, enabling us to maintain the highest standards in reviewing, editing, and publishing your valuable research contributions.

It is important to note that any submissions received before September 1, 2023, will be processed under the existing APC rate. Articles accepted prior to this date will not be affected by the revision and will remain subject to the prior APC pricing.