
Guidelines for authors

By submitting the paper, the authors agree with the following facts:

Manuscript submitting process

Formal Requirements


We only accept papers in English at a sufficient level.

Paper Structure

Title (in APA Style Title Capitalization). Abstract (150 – 200 words). Keywords (5 – 7 keywords). Codes of JEL Classification

Introduction. Literature Review. Methods. Results. Discussion. Conclusion. References.

Main Text Format

The paper should be written in MS Word (docx).


References/sources presented at the end of a submission should be prepared according to the APA citation style (sorted alphabetically).

The literature sources of the manuscript must include as many cited journals from Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) or SCOPUS as possible (normally, not less than 20 articles).

In-Text Citations

Literature references in the text should carry the author’s surname and year of publication in round brackets according to the APA Style Author–Date Citation System. Example: (Smith, 2015), (Marek, 2019). Should two or more documents have the same reference data, small letters may be used to differentiate them (Smith, 2015a and Smith, 2015b).


Copyright and Licensing

For all articles published in SciPap, copyright is retained by the authors. Articles are licensed under an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, meaning that anyone may download and read the paper for free.